a) Schedule: Saturday morning assemble at the Church 8 am, departure at 830 am, exact time. Postal Museum will run approximately 10am - 2pm. We plan to be at the camp by 3 pm. Departure from the campground is Sunday afternoon, after lunch cleanup. Plan to return at Tedeschi's mid Sunday afternoon.
b) Class A's: We will be representing our Troop and BSA when visiting a museum, be sure to dress in your Class A's. We can change once we reach the camp and setup tents. Consider the weather forecast for the weekend. There is a chance of rain. For the newer Scouts, that means be prepared with rain gear.
c) Bag Lunch: Scouts and Adults will need a bag lunch for Saturday afternoon at the museum.
d) Homework: The Stamp Collecting Merit Badge Councilor has assigned a quick and easy assignment for the Merit Badge - Each Scout must design his own stamp, any country and subject, but with proper denomination. Please see http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/mb-STAM.aspx for more information on the Merit Badge. Everyone should be able to do this and bring it with them on Saturday, and will be able to complete the Merit Badge.
e) Location: Please check you email for Mr. Rhodes cell phone and information about where we are going.
b) Class A's: We will be representing our Troop and BSA when visiting a museum, be sure to dress in your Class A's. We can change once we reach the camp and setup tents. Consider the weather forecast for the weekend. There is a chance of rain. For the newer Scouts, that means be prepared with rain gear.
c) Bag Lunch: Scouts and Adults will need a bag lunch for Saturday afternoon at the museum.
d) Homework: The Stamp Collecting Merit Badge Councilor has assigned a quick and easy assignment for the Merit Badge - Each Scout must design his own stamp, any country and subject, but with proper denomination. Please see http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges/mb-STAM.aspx for more information on the Merit Badge. Everyone should be able to do this and bring it with them on Saturday, and will be able to complete the Merit Badge.
e) Location: Please check you email for Mr. Rhodes cell phone and information about where we are going.