1) Rifle Shooting Merit Badge - Out of the more than 10 scouts who raised their hands with interest in our last Troop meeting, only two have actually committed. Please reply back to me by this weekend so I can give Mr Peoples an accurate head count.
2) Patrol Leader Committee meeting - Our SPL, ASPL, and Patrol leaders are highly encouraged to attend this urgent PLC meeting to work out our Troop meeting agendas for the remainder of the Scouting year. This Saturday, 1130-1230 at the Church.
3) June campout - Please mark June 6/7 aside on the calendar for a Scout campout at Hale Reservation in Westwood. This is the same place we went for Scout-O. The theme of the car/trailer campout is Advancement where we try to knock out a number of requirements in time for Spring COH, and provide the Scouts with an opportunity to obtain the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge as we visit the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History on the way out. Details to follow in coming weeks.
5) Webelos Cross Over May 15. Pack 76 will be graduating one of their Webelos to our Troop Friday night, May 15, 7:30 at CCC. Our SPL and ASPL are expected to be there, and any additional Scouts who would like to be part of it are encouraged to show up in the Class A's to welcome our new Scout. The more the merrier.. it encourages the next round of Webelos as well!
4) May 30 Eagle COH; Please keep this date free, we expect all Scouts to participate in the combined celebration of both Tommy Dew and Alex Klein reaching this coveted pinnacle of Boy Scouts. Tentatively we'll start at 3 pm.
6) Summer Camp Med Forms - we must have these completed by a doctor for submission to Hidden Valley by June 1. Please don't wait to the last minute ! ;-) Speaking of Summer Camp, if you missed the payment deadline of last Monday, the total cost has now gone to $410. There's a handful of us that did.
7) Jun 27/28 - Looking ahead, Nantucket has fallen through, but we are planning a replacement. Block your calendar !
8) Maine High Adventure - MHA will be July 26 through August 2. Keep your eye out for a crew meeting to go over expectations and opportunities, for anyone 14+ and interested. For those that have already signed up, the Troop has footed the bill so now it's time to pay the piper. Please arrange with me to submit payment of $300 by end of this month, with the balance of $250 at the end of next month.
9) Cooking Merit Badge homework - Please dust off the cooking Merit Badge workbooks and finish up your written homework. Mrs Weatherby will be looking for this soon.
2) Patrol Leader Committee meeting - Our SPL, ASPL, and Patrol leaders are highly encouraged to attend this urgent PLC meeting to work out our Troop meeting agendas for the remainder of the Scouting year. This Saturday, 1130-1230 at the Church.
3) June campout - Please mark June 6/7 aside on the calendar for a Scout campout at Hale Reservation in Westwood. This is the same place we went for Scout-O. The theme of the car/trailer campout is Advancement where we try to knock out a number of requirements in time for Spring COH, and provide the Scouts with an opportunity to obtain the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge as we visit the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History on the way out. Details to follow in coming weeks.
5) Webelos Cross Over May 15. Pack 76 will be graduating one of their Webelos to our Troop Friday night, May 15, 7:30 at CCC. Our SPL and ASPL are expected to be there, and any additional Scouts who would like to be part of it are encouraged to show up in the Class A's to welcome our new Scout. The more the merrier.. it encourages the next round of Webelos as well!
4) May 30 Eagle COH; Please keep this date free, we expect all Scouts to participate in the combined celebration of both Tommy Dew and Alex Klein reaching this coveted pinnacle of Boy Scouts. Tentatively we'll start at 3 pm.
6) Summer Camp Med Forms - we must have these completed by a doctor for submission to Hidden Valley by June 1. Please don't wait to the last minute ! ;-) Speaking of Summer Camp, if you missed the payment deadline of last Monday, the total cost has now gone to $410. There's a handful of us that did.
7) Jun 27/28 - Looking ahead, Nantucket has fallen through, but we are planning a replacement. Block your calendar !
8) Maine High Adventure - MHA will be July 26 through August 2. Keep your eye out for a crew meeting to go over expectations and opportunities, for anyone 14+ and interested. For those that have already signed up, the Troop has footed the bill so now it's time to pay the piper. Please arrange with me to submit payment of $300 by end of this month, with the balance of $250 at the end of next month.
9) Cooking Merit Badge homework - Please dust off the cooking Merit Badge workbooks and finish up your written homework. Mrs Weatherby will be looking for this soon.