Hi Everyone,
Hoping that everyone has a Happy and Safe Holiday Season, plus a few reminders;
1.)Since there appears to be limited interest in attending the Klondike this year, the Troop will not be competing. However, it would be great if all the Den Chiefs working with the Cub Scouts could attend with the Dens that they are working with. This responsibility falls under the Leadership portion of your next Rank Advancement. Please let me know if you will or will not be attending.
2.)The Troop will be going to the “Gold Rush” on February 19th. More information to follow.
3.)Scouts are reminded to sign up for Merit Badge University if they wish to attend. Paperwork is due in January, so please sign up as soon as possible, so that I can get everyone registered that is interested in attending.
4.)Summer camp will be the week of July 10th thru July 16th. More information to follow in late January.
Hoping that everyone has a Happy and Safe Holiday Season, plus a few reminders;
1.)Since there appears to be limited interest in attending the Klondike this year, the Troop will not be competing. However, it would be great if all the Den Chiefs working with the Cub Scouts could attend with the Dens that they are working with. This responsibility falls under the Leadership portion of your next Rank Advancement. Please let me know if you will or will not be attending.
2.)The Troop will be going to the “Gold Rush” on February 19th. More information to follow.
3.)Scouts are reminded to sign up for Merit Badge University if they wish to attend. Paperwork is due in January, so please sign up as soon as possible, so that I can get everyone registered that is interested in attending.
4.)Summer camp will be the week of July 10th thru July 16th. More information to follow in late January.
5.)Philmont 2012 is closer than you think, as in April the first deposit is due. I will be finalizing the crew lists over the next couple of months with the Scouts, so any Scout not already signed up should see me. Philmont is truly the Scouting adventure of a lifetime, so hopefully everyone that wants to go will be able to go.
6.)The next PLC meeting will be held at Jacob Jennings’ House on Sunday, January 2nd. Scouts will be organizing the outing for the new year, as well as planning the meetings for January. Please watch your e-mails for the time. All Scouts in Leadership positions are encouraged to attend
7.)The Court of Honor will be held on January 10th. Scouts should be in Class “A” uniforms and bring a dessert to share with the Troop. Any Scout needing to finish up some loose ends for advancement should contact me directly so that arrangements can be made for Scoutmaster conferences and Boards of review on January 3rd. Reminder that Michael Brown and Josh Segill will be up for a Board of Review on the 3rd. Scouts completing the Carpentry Merit Badge are reminded to bring in the completed bird houses on January 10th, in order to complete your requirements for the merit badge. Those Scouts who have a few remaining items on the Carpentry Merit Badge will be contacted next week to try and finish up before the 10th.
8.)Believe it or not….almost a new year and we are still collecting Medical Forms, Dues and campout payments. Scouts will be contacted directly over the break to make arrangements to close out these outstanding issues.
9.)We will be scheduling our next Adult Committee Meeting in early January…please watch your e-mails.
That should be about all for now…..once again, I would like to mention that December campout was a great success. It was a balmy 5 degrees out at night with bears lurking around every tree, and everyone one did an excellent job of working together and making it a good time.
Happy Holidays.
Mr. Jennings
6.)The next PLC meeting will be held at Jacob Jennings’ House on Sunday, January 2nd. Scouts will be organizing the outing for the new year, as well as planning the meetings for January. Please watch your e-mails for the time. All Scouts in Leadership positions are encouraged to attend
7.)The Court of Honor will be held on January 10th. Scouts should be in Class “A” uniforms and bring a dessert to share with the Troop. Any Scout needing to finish up some loose ends for advancement should contact me directly so that arrangements can be made for Scoutmaster conferences and Boards of review on January 3rd. Reminder that Michael Brown and Josh Segill will be up for a Board of Review on the 3rd. Scouts completing the Carpentry Merit Badge are reminded to bring in the completed bird houses on January 10th, in order to complete your requirements for the merit badge. Those Scouts who have a few remaining items on the Carpentry Merit Badge will be contacted next week to try and finish up before the 10th.
8.)Believe it or not….almost a new year and we are still collecting Medical Forms, Dues and campout payments. Scouts will be contacted directly over the break to make arrangements to close out these outstanding issues.
9.)We will be scheduling our next Adult Committee Meeting in early January…please watch your e-mails.
That should be about all for now…..once again, I would like to mention that December campout was a great success. It was a balmy 5 degrees out at night with bears lurking around every tree, and everyone one did an excellent job of working together and making it a good time.
Happy Holidays.
Mr. Jennings