Hi Everyone,
The new Scouting year is coming quickly, so be please note some of the following getting started information;
1.)The first meeting will be on Monday, September 12th starting at 7:15.
2.)The first campout will be Saturday, September 17th. We will be going to the Mt. Washington State Forest in Western MA for a backpacking trip. Since we only have one week to get ready, please respond back to me via e-mail, if you would like to attend so that I can begin putting all the driver’s information together. This trip will be similar to the one we did in December, however likely to be warmer. We will carry everything in and out, no trailer or larger equipment.
The new Scouting year is coming quickly, so be please note some of the following getting started information;
1.)The first meeting will be on Monday, September 12th starting at 7:15.
2.)The first campout will be Saturday, September 17th. We will be going to the Mt. Washington State Forest in Western MA for a backpacking trip. Since we only have one week to get ready, please respond back to me via e-mail, if you would like to attend so that I can begin putting all the driver’s information together. This trip will be similar to the one we did in December, however likely to be warmer. We will carry everything in and out, no trailer or larger equipment.
3.)Reminder to those Scouts that were elected to the Order of the Arrow, that you have until September 6th to sign up for the Fall Ordeal Weekend. The Ordeal will be held from September 9th thru the 11th at Camp Squanto and is a requirement to be accepted into the Order of the Arrow.
4.)There will be adult committee meeting on Tuesday, September 13th….please note date change from the originally scheduled September 6th. Please watch your e-mail for time and location. This meeting is open to all adults interested in helping to provide a quality Program for the Scouts of Troop 42.
5.)Since Jacob’s e-mail is still down, he has asked that I send out an announcement for his next Eagle Project Workday. He plans to begin work on the planters on Sunday, September 11th at 12:30. Please send an e-mail or text to Jacob to let he know if you can attend.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday the 12th. Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Mr. Jennings